How to Locate a Village in Pixelmon: A Gamer’s Guide

I want to share with you some pro advice on a topic that has confused many aspiring Pokémon trainers in the Pixelmon world – how to find a village.

I’m sure you’ll find yourself roaming the vast lands, trying to find the village for those tasty loot boxes and possible Pokémon spots. Well, don’t worry, because I’ve got you covered.

In this article, I’ll take you through the various methods I’ve found to help you find those elusive villages in Pixelmon.

1. Using your Pokémon for Scouting

First, let’s talk about how your trusted Pokémon can help you on your village hunting expedition. One technique I often use is to fly after a Flying-type Pokémon like Charizard or Pidgeot.

From the top, you get a wider view, making the unique shape of the villages easier to navigate. It’s like getting your own birds eye view!

Another fantastic Pokémon to help you in your quest is Enderman. Using the Ender Pearl, you will teleport to a random location nearby.

Sometimes this teleportation can land you near a village, making it a handy tool for travelers.

Understanding Village Spawning Mechanics

To master a village, it’s important to understand the spawning mechanics in Pixelmon. Rural areas are often dominated by certain types of biomes, such as steppes, savannas, and deserts. So, if you’re looking for one, focus your efforts on these biomes.

Another important thing to remember is that villages don’t spawn in Pixelmon’s world like they do in vanilla Minecraft. Instead, they are reborn as a system called “PokéLoot Centers”. These hubs hold valuable loot and even have a Pokémon hub inside. Be careful on these particular buildings when exploring.

2. Using In-Game Maps and Mods

Pixelmon has a couple of tools you can use to make village hunting easier. One of them is the in-game mini-map, which can be accessed by pressing the “M” key.

Some mods also allow you to configure the map to show village locations. If you are comfortable with modding your game, this can be a game-changer for exploring villages quickly.

3. Utilizing Coordinates

Sometimes you just need coordinates. If you are lucky enough to have a fellow teacher willing to share the ideas of the village they found, use them.

Just press F3 to bring up the debug screen and enter the coordinates. Then, take them to where the village location.

4. Get help online

If all else fails, feel free to reach out to the Pixelmon community for help. There are many forums, websites and social media groups where players share the coordinates of places of interest they have found. You can also ask for directions or advice on where to find villages in your particular Pixelmon world.

Can you locate structures in Pixelmon?

Absolutely, you can locate structures in Pixelmon. Structures are a crucial part of the game, often hiding valuable loot and even rare Pokémon. Here’s how I go about finding them:

1. Pokémon Centers: These are easy to spot because of their red tops and white walls. You can find them in flats, grasslands, and other biomes. Not only do they heal your Pokémon for free, but they also have a Poké Mart inside to give away items.

2. PokéLoot Centers: These are similar to the jackpot villages in Pixelmon. It’s full of amazing loot, including rare items and TMs. Find them in the same biomes as the Pokémon Center. Their unique architecture sets them apart, and once you know what to look for, you can’t miss them.

3. Aerial Scouting: If you have a flying Pokémon like Charizard, take to the air. It’s a game-changer to see structures from afar. Flying improves your visibility, making it much easier to find what you are looking for.

4. Mod Tools: Mods and in-game maps can be very helpful. Some mods allow you to mark systems on your map, making your search easier. If you’re interested in modding, these tools can be really useful.

5. Community Support: Don’t forget the power of the Pixelmon community. Online forums, social media groups, and in-game chats are full of players willing to share locations. If you go in or need specific information, just ask. Chances are someone out there has an answer.

Is there villages in Pixelmon?

In fact, Pixelmon has villages called “PokéLoot Centers”. These unique locations provide medical services to Pokemon locations and supply items to Pokemarts.

PokéLoot Centers play a distinctive game, often marked by distinctive logos. They can be found in the plains, savannahs and deserts carrying valuable looted treasure.

These hubs provide trainers with a one-stop shop for supplies needed and essential for your Pixelmon adventures. Keep an eye on them when hunting, as they are a valuable asset for any Pokémon trainer!

What is the command to locate biomes in Pixelmon?

You can use the “/checkspawns” command to check biomes in Pixelmon. This simple command allows you to see what Pokémon are currently breeding in your current biome and nearby biomes. This is a great way to get an idea of ​​the biomes you are in or near.

For example, if I’m in a plains biome and I want to check if I’m near a forest biome to find a specific Pokemon, I’ll open chat and type “/checkspawns forest” This command will show my Pokemon’s name as a spawn in the forest biome and show that me and Whether I’m close enough to the biome to have met their Pokémon company.

It is a useful tool for planning your Pokémon hunting trips and making the most of your time in Pixelmon. So, try the “/checkspawns” command, and you’ll have a better understanding of the biomes around you in no time!

How Do you Track Pokémon in Pixelmon?

Tracking Pokémon in Pixelmon can be quite the adventure, and it’s all about honing your skills and knowing where to find them. Here’s how I go about tracking Pokémon properly:

1. Visual Sound:

Visual Hints: Keep an eye out for Pokémon that spawn naturally in the world. Some are easy to spot, especially those that stand out in shape or unique shape.

Sound: Pixelmon adds a cool feature where you can hear Pokémon cry when nearby. So, when you hear something unusual, follow the sound, and then just stumble upon the Pokémon.

2. Biome Knowledge:

Different Pokémon spawn in different biomes. Understanding Pokémon breeding in a natural environment can be a big help. For example, water species tend to breed near bodies of water, while grass species are more common in forests and flats.

3. Looking at the sky:

Like Pidgeot, a few Flying-type Pokemon can end up chasing air. They have the ability “Keen Eye” which prevents wild Pokémon from reducing your accuracy. Fly around in one of these, and it will be easier to find and catch your Pokémon.

4. Use the radar:

Pixelmon has a built-in Pokémon radar. You can build one and use it to find nearby Pokémon. It will point you in the right direction, making tracking much more efficient.

5. Aspects of corruption:

Lure blocks are amazing for attracting specific types of Pokémon. You can craft them and place them in the location where you want to get a specific Pokémon. They give smaller objects to match their attraction, making it easier to find where you want to go.

6. Know the time:

Some Pokémon are nocturnal, which means they are more active at night. Check the time in the game and go out at night to increase your chances of encountering these Pokémon.

7. Dislikes and attractions:

Some features, such as Repel, can keep common Pokémon away, making it easier to find rare ones. On the flip side, items like Honey can attract Pokémon to your location.

8. Be patient:

Sometimes Pokémon tracking is all about patience. If you are looking for something rare or elusive, be prepared to spend some time in the perfect biome or location. And don’t forget to bring plenty of Poké Balls!

What is the rarest Pokémon in Pixelmon?

The title of rare Pokémon in Pixelmon is debatable, as it can vary depending on which version of Pixelmon you play. However, one of the most sought after and elusive Pokémon in this game is Mewtwo.

Mewtwo is a Legendary Pokémon, and in many versions of Pixelmon, it does not breed naturally in the wild. Instead, they usually have to meet in a specific order or context.

Capturing Mewtwo is a real accomplishment in Pixelmon, and is considered a valuable addition to any training team due to its immense power and rarity.

So, if you’re looking for the rarest catch in Pixelmon, Mewtwo is definitely a Pokémon to keep your eyes peeled for.

Where to Find lugia in Pixelmon?

Finding Lugia in Pixelmon is an interesting quest that many trainers embark on. Lugia, being a Legendary Pokémon, is not your average encounter. Here’s where I would start my search:

1. Deep Sea Ecosystems:

Lugia is commonly found in deep sea ecosystems, which can be very deep and extensive. To increase your chances, bring Pokémon with the move diving and explore underwater caves, as Lugia can spawn deep under the sea.

2. Ultra Wormholes:

In some versions of Pixelmon, Lugia can also spawn in ultra wormholes. These are rare and difficult portals, but offer the chance to meet legendary Pokémon, including Lugia.

3. Legendary Events:

Watch out for Legendary events especially on Pixelmon servers or mod packs. These events can include defeating Lugia or capturing her as part of a server-wide challenge.

4. Pixelmon Wiki or Forums:

Check out the Pixelmon community resources, such as the official Pixelmon Wiki or forums. These can provide specific information about Lugia spawn conditions in the version you’re playing.

Where is Eevee in Pixelmon?

Getting Eevee in Pixelmon should be an interesting endeavor, as it is a versatile and sought after Pokémon. Here’s how I would look for Eevee:

1. Biomes: EVs typically breed in specific biomes such as forests, taiga, and flowering forests. I start exploring in these areas. Keep in mind that the time of day can also affect Eevee birth rates, most likely at dawn and dusk.

2. Eevee Trees: Eevee trees are unique items in Pixelmon that can regenerate in different biomes. These trees often have EV-themed foliage and are good places to look for EVs. You can recognize them by their distinctive characteristics.

3. DexNav: Using the DexNav feature, you can specifically set it to follow the Eevee. This way, it will guide you to places where Eevee is likely to spawn.

4. Reproduction: Another method of EV acquisition is reproduction. You can breed Pokémon like Vulpix, Vaporeon, and Jolteon to pair Eevee Egg with Ditto or another matching Pokémon.

5. GTS (Global Trade System): Players sometimes put Eevee in GTS to trade. It’s worth checking to see if a trainer is willing to swap their Eevee for some of your stuff.


Can I use a specific tool or item to locate villages in Pixelmon more easily?

While Pixelmon doesn’t offer a dedicated tool for the village location, you can take advantage of in-game features and mods to enhance your quest.

Some mods, depending on the version you play, offer mini-maps that can be edited to show village areas. These maps can greatly improve your village hunting experience. Additionally, some mods offer features that mark villages on your map, making it even easier to locate them.

Finding a modding option to suit your version of Pixelmon can be a game-changer in your quest to find a village.

Do villages in Pixelmon spawn in all biomes?

Villages in Pixelmon called Pokeloot Centers spawn primarily in specific biomes such as plains, grasslands, and deserts.

Although these are the primary biomes to be investigated, it should be noted that villages are sometimes found in other biomes, although the probability is low enough If one focuses on primary biomes mentioned makes it possible for him to find these places.

Can I use coordinates to pinpoint the location of a village in Pixelmon?

Yes, the coordinates can be an invaluable tool to determine the exact location of the villages in Pixelmon.

To use this method, press F3 to bring up the debugging screen, which shows your current coordinates. Write down the village you are trying to find.

Now, just follow these ideas to find out where the village is. It’s the most accurate and reliable way to navigate the vast world of Pixelmon.

Are there any online resources or communities that can help me locate villages in Pixelmon?

Exactly! The Pixelmon community is known for being active and supportive of players. You can explore various online resources, including Pixelmon forums, dedicated websites and social media groups.

On these forums, players often share the coordinates of villages they’ve found, which can save you valuable time on your quest.

Additionally, you can get tips and advice from experienced players who are always willing to help their fellow coaches in their village hunting endeavors.

5. Do village locations change in different versions of Pixelmon?

Yes, the presence and spawning mechanics of villages called PokéLoot Centers can indeed differ between versions of Pixelmon.

The particulars of the birth of the village are to be amended and updated with each edition. Therefore, checking the specifics of your version of Pixelmon is important to ensure you are searching for the right biomes and using the right methods to properly identify villages.

Updating your skills and acquiring these valuable areas that will contribute greatly to your success.


In conclusion, finding a village in Pixelmon may require some patience and creativity, but with these tips and tricks, you will be well on your way to finding these hidden gems in the game so, go ahead jump on your Flying-type Pokémon, explore biomes, etc.

Use the in-game tools to unlock hidden Pixelmon villages. Happy hunting, trainer!

And there you have it, our detailed guide to finding a village in Pixelmon. Remember to use these tips to check out those unique PokéLoot locations.

Before you know it, you’ll be swimming in rare items and healing your Pokémon in style.